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By sending us this information, you agree to the processing of your personal data in order to process your inquiry and to contact you as needed.

All personal data contained in your CV and this form will strictly be used to pursue our mission: that is to contact you for jobs that are up to your talents and consistent with your wishes.

Our company will neither transfer, nor sell, nor rent, nor exchange the collected personal data to or with any organization or entity without your prior written consent.

We will keep your information for maximum 2 years. Past this term, we will ask you to either update your information or whether you would like to be removed from our database. You can request a copy, modification or deletion of your personal data at any time.

Should you have further questions related to the way we process your personal data and your rights under the GDPR, please read our Privacy Notice and/or send an email to

Boulevard de Waterloo 34,
1000 Bruxelles

Tel: +32(0)2/245 72 45

Email : sales[@]

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